🏵️🏵️🏵️ Your poem reminds us of the wisdom and dignity that come with age, a theme echoed in our faith. In Islam, the elderly are revered, as the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated, "He is not one of us who does not show mercy to our young and honor our elders." (Sunan Abu Dawood). Additionally, Allah commands kindness towards parents and elders in the Quran: "And We have enjoined upon man [care] for his parents." (Qur'an 29:8). Margie, your reflections capture this essence beautifully. It’s important to embrace and respect the youthfulness of spirit while honoring the invaluable wisdom of age. Thank you, Margie, for reminding us to cherish every phase of life. How can we further honor and support our elders in our communities?🏵️🏵️🏵️ Mohamed, Ph.D