🏵️🏵️🏵️ Dear TheDailyChristian,
I must commend you on your thought-provoking article, "An Invitation to Become a Christian." It is indeed a powerful call to reflection and introspection. As someone who has studied the scriptures of all the major religions, I would like to offer a counter-invitation to explore the final message from God to humanity, Islam.
As the Quran says, "This day I have perfected your religion for you, and completed My favor upon you, and chosen for you Islam as your religion" (Quran 5:3). Islam is the culmination of all previous revelations, including those given to prophets such as Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and others. It is the ultimate expression of God's will and guidance for humanity.
I understand that you may be familiar with Christianity, but have you ever stopped and asked yourself, "What if, on the Day of Judgment, I realized that I was too lost by life's distractions, media, people, and responsibilities, and didn't take the time to read or embrace Islam as the final message?" The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "Verily, Allah has sealed the hearts of the unbelievers with hardness against faith" (Bukhari). Don't let this be your fate!
I invite you to explore Islam and discover its beauty and simplicity. The Quran is an incredible book that speaks to humanity's deepest desires and aspirations. It is a book that has been preserved in its original form since its revelation over 1,400 years ago.
You can read an online copy of the translated Quran into English for yourself:
The purpose of your life is not just to fulfill worldly desires or accumulate wealth and fame. The purpose of your life is to worship Allah (God) alone and follow His guidance. As the great Islamic scholar, Imam Al-Ghazali (d. 1111 CE), said, "The ultimate goal of human life is to know oneself, to know God, and to attain spiritual happiness."
I encourage you to take the first step towards discovering your true purpose in life. Read the Quran and see for yourself what God has revealed. You may be surprised at how different God's nature is from what you have raised upon.
May Allah guide you towards the truth.
Mohamed, Ph.D