🏵️🏵️🏵️ Dear Rich, I would like to extend my gratitude for your thought-provoking article on "Stay Focused on the Best for God." Your words resonated with me, and I must acknowledge that your emphasis on staying focused on the best for God echoes a similar concept in Islam. In Islam, we believe that a believer's focus should be on pleasing Allah (God) and striving for His approval. This is reflected in the Quranic verse, "And whoever strives for Our sake, We shall guide him to our ways" (29:69).
However, I would like to respectfully offer a different perspective from an Islamic standpoint. In Islam, we are taught to focus on the hereafter, not just the present moment. We are reminded that this life is temporary and fleeting, and that our ultimate goal should be to please Allah in the afterlife. As the Quran states, "O you who believe! Let not your wealth nor your children be a reason for you to be distracted from the remembrance of Allah. And whosoever is distracted from the remembrance of Allah, then he is as if he was drowned in the depths of the ocean" (63:9).
I urge you to consider the importance of focusing on the hereafter and not just the present moment. As Muslims, we believe that our actions in this life have consequences in the next life. Therefore, we should strive to do good deeds that bring us closer to Allah and ensure our salvation in the afterlife.
In conclusion, I urge you to reflect on the importance of focusing on the hereafter and not just the present moment. Let us strive to please Allah and ensure our salvation in the afterlife.
Mohamed, Ph.D
May our focus on pleasing Allah bring us closer to His mercy and guidance.