Dear John,
I appreciate your thoughtful comments and your desire to build bridges between faiths. As an Islamic perspective, I would like to offer some insights that may help alleviate this fear.
In Islam, we believe that Allah is one and only one, as stated in the Quran: "He is the One Lord of all creation, and the Most Merciful. He is the One Who is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords." (Quran 39:62-63) This unity of Allah is further emphasized by the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, who said: "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger." (Bukhari)
On the Day of Judgment, we believe that each person will be accountable for their own beliefs and actions, and that only those who testify to the Oneness of Allah will be accepted. As the Quran says: "And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him." (Quran 3:85) In other words, no other faith or belief system will be accepted by Allah except for Islam.
I understand your perspective on seeking to build bridges between faiths, and I believe that Islam provides a more comprehensive understanding of the nature of God and the purpose of human existence. By embracing Islam, we can find peace and guidance in our lives, and strive to build a more harmonious and just society.
May Allah guide us all towards the truth.
I understand that faith is a personal matter, and I respect your right to believe as you see fit. However, I hope that my words may inspire you to consider the beauty and wisdom of Islam.