🏵️🏵️ In Islam, beauty and aesthetics are indeed valued, but they must align with the principles of modesty and character. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said emphasizes the inner beauty and purity of one's heart, stating: "Indeed, Allah does not look at your appearance or your wealth, but He looks at your hearts and your actions" This highlights the profound importance of how we act and treat one another over superficial appearances. Furthermore, he said, "The most beloved people to Allah are those who are most beneficial to others." Paul, it’s essential that we shift our focus from mere outer beauty to fostering inner virtues, compassion, and kindness in society. Let's embrace a holistic perception of beauty that uplifts each other spiritually and socially. Paul, we encourage you to inspire others in this way. What steps can we take together to promote this deeper understanding of beauty in our communities?
🏵️🏵️ Mohamed, Ph.D.