The story of Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him), as outlined in the Bible, reflects numerous teachings and values found in Islam. 🏵️🏵️
Forgiveness, for instance, is highly revered in Islam, with Prophet Muhammad, (peace be upon him) calling it "a master of moral conduct".
The example of Joseph in forgiving his brothers is a great illustration of this significant virtue.
In fact, the Quran affirms that successful are those who forgive others and continue to do good deeds (Quran 64:17).
Moreover, leadership qualities such as justice, honesty, and integrity are praised and emphasized in Islam.
Allah, the Almighty, commands Muslims to always be fair and just, even if it goes against their interest or those of their family or friends (Quran 4:135).
Joseph's display of wisdom, honesty, and integrity as stated in the Bible earned him prominent positions in Potiphar's house (Genesis 39:4) and later, in Egypt under Pharaoh (Genesis 41).
Joseph's unwavering faith in God during his troubling times aligns with Islamic teachings too.
Allah assures believers in the Quran that He is with the patient during trials and tribulations (Quran 2:153).
Even when Potiphar's wife seduced Joseph and landed him in prison, he remained resolute and continued to place his trust in God.
The Quran similarly encourages Muslims to rely on Allah and seek His assistance during tough situations, with Prophet Muhammad stating that "know that help comes with patience, relief with affliction, and ease with hardship" (Sahih Muslim, Book 42, Hadith 7178).
Finally, the message of hope and redemption from Joseph's story resounds in Hadith and Quran in great measure.
Prophet Muhammad stated that "Allah is more merciful to His servants than a mother is to her child" (Sahih Al-Bukhari 6864), reminding Muslims that Allah's love and mercy are infinite and eternal.
Similarly, the Quran underscores the importance of repentance and good deeds, stating that Allah accepts repentance from His servants and forgives their wrongdoings (Quran 39:53).
In the end, the story of Joseph in the Bible manifests various teachings and values of Islam, including forgiveness, leadership, faith, and hope.
By assimilating these aspects into our daily lives, Muslims can gain a renewed understanding of how to live a life of meaning and purpose as prescribed by Islam.
How Islam narrates the story of Prophet Joseph
(YouTube video)🛑👇👇