The Quran recognizes the Bible as a divine scripture that was revealed by Allah to Prophet Jesus (Isa) before the Quran.🏵️🏵️
In Surah Al-Maidah 5:47 of the Quran, Allah instructs Prophet Muhammad to "judge between them by what Allah has revealed and do not follow their inclinations away from what has come to you of the truth."
This verse highlights the importance of divine revelation and instructs Prophet Muhammad and his followers to follow only what has been revealed by Allah.
Muslims believe that the original Bible was sent down by Allah and contained divine teachings.
In Surah Al-Imran 3:3-4, the Quran affirms that the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament) and the Gospel (the New Testament) were revealed by Allah: "He has revealed to you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming what was before it. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel."
However, due to human errors and interpolations, the Bible has been corrupted over time. 🛑
The Quran recognizes this corrupted state of the Bible and advises Muslims to rely only on the Quran as the final and most precise revelation of Allah's message to humanity.
In Surah Al-An'am 6:114-115, the Quran states, "Shall I seek other than Allah as a judge while it is He who has revealed to you the Book explained in detail?" This verse urges Muslims to rely solely on Allah and the Quran for guidance.
In addition, Islam upholds the message of morality and righteousness that is present in the Bible.
In Surah Al-Maida 5:66, the Quran commands Muslims to say to the People of the Book, "We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to you. And our God and your God is one, and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him."
This verse emphasizes the importance of recognizing the unity of Allah and respecting the divine message that has been revealed to different prophets.
Overall, the Quran and Hadith emphasize the importance of recognizing the divine message of the Bible, while also acknowledging its corrupted state.
Muslims are advised to rely solely on the Quran for guidance, while also respecting and interacting peacefully with the People of the Book.