The journey of healing from old wounds can be a long and difficult one, R. Wayne.
Time and distance can help ease the pain, but some scars may remain. Traumatic or emotional events may leave a lasting impact on a person's psyche, even if they have learned to cope and move on. For example, someone who experienced childhood abuse may have trouble trusting others or forming close relationships, even if they have received treatment.
Forgiveness can be a powerful tool for healing, but it's not always easy to achieve. Holding onto grudges or anger can prevent individuals from moving forward and finding closure. However, this does not mean that victims of abuse, violence, or other traumas should forgive their abusers, nor does forgiveness always necessitate reconciliation. It is a personal choice that should be respected.
Also, it is essential to seek help and support if the wounds are too deep and affecting one's life. Some people may avoid dealing with painful memories or feelings because they don't want to face the pain. Ignoring or bottling up emotions can make things worse. Therapy, support groups, and asking God, all are helpful to process and understand the feelings and find ways to cope and heal.
However, everyone has their healing process, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. People may need to try different approaches until they find what works best for them. Some may find solace in creative outlets, such as writing or art, while others may turn to spirituality, mindfulness practices, or physical activity.
Ultimately, old wounds may never fully heal - but we do have the power to find a way to move on, integrate our pain into our lives and make peace with our past.