Thanks Sean for sharing this, here are some thoughts on the topic 🏵️🏵️
The linguistic distinction between animals, and their meat is an important aspect of the English language, reflecting the social and cultural values of the society in which the language developed. This distinction serves as a reminder of the historical and cultural traditions surrounding meat consumption. It highlights the economic, social and cultural relationships that have developed over time and how these relationships shape our language and culture.
While some may view this distinction as insignificant or irrelevant, it is essential to recognize that language and culture are deeply intertwined. The way we speak and the words we use reflect our beliefs, values, and attitudes towards the world around us. The use of different words for animals and their meat in English is not unique to this language but can be found in many others, further emphasizing its cultural significance.
To truly understand a language and its culture, one must not only learn the vocabulary but also examine the historical and cultural context in which it developed. Therefore, paying attention to details such as linguistic distinctions between animals and their meat can offer valuable insights into the social and cultural history of a language.