Here are some thoughts 🏵️🏵️👇
Actions that government, media, and politicians essentially need to take to address the issue as follows:
Government level:
1. Mandate the inclusion of African American history in school curriculums nationwide.
2. Offer tax incentives to companies that create and distribute media that accurately represents black history.
3. Establish a National Museum of African American History and Culture in each state with a comprehensive collection of artifacts, documents, and exhibits that tell the history of African Americans.
Media level:
1. Hire more black writers, directors, producers, and on-screen talent, to ensure that the media content reflects a culturally diverse perspective.
2. Create and promote platforms where young black history scholars can share their research and insights on social media.
3. Develop and broadcast media that depicts African American history from different perspectives, that can be shared and viewed via TV channels, on-demand platforms, podcasts, and audiobooks.
Politicians level:
1. Foster and promote policies aimed at closing the wage gap between African Americans and white Americans.
2. Promote policy efforts to reduce the number of people of color that are incarcerated, which is disproportionately greater than the number of white Americans.
3. Create a task force of diverse stakeholders, including African American scholars, historians, and community leaders, to inform and develop policies that address both the systemic challenges and racist attitudes surrounding African American history.
In conclusion, government, media, and politicians are primary contributers to address the discomfort that white parents feel when learning about black history through innovative policies, affirmative action programs, and initiatives that create a more racially diverse representation in the workforce, and platforms to disseminate knowledge about African American history, culture, and achievements.