Here are some thoughts from Islam perspective 🏵️👇
In Islam, community and social connections are highly emphasized, and Allah has blessed Muslims with many opportunities to do so. Muslims are encouraged to maintain strong relationships with their fellow human beings and to engage with them in a compassionate and respectful manner. The Quran reminds us in Chapter 3 Verse 103 of the importance of holding firmly to the rope of Allah and not becoming divided. This shows how unity is fundamental to our faith and should be upheld wherever possible.
Religious institutions such as the Mosque provides a platform for Muslims to gather together, to gain knowledge, to offer prayers, and to connect with one another. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has stated in a Hadith narrated in Sahih Muslim that the believers in their mutual kindness, compassion, and sympathy are just like a single body. So Muslims should be like one body and feel each other's pain and sorrow.
This emphasis on community was also taught by the earlier prophets, such as Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, who all called upon their followers to gather and care for one another. In the Quran, Chapter 2 Verse 213, Allah reminds us that all the Prophets preached the same message of pure monotheism, "Mankind was [of] one religion [before their deviation]; then Allah sent the prophets as bringers of good tidings and warners and sent down with them the Scripture in truth to judge between the people concerning that in which they differed."
The unity of Allah is also emphasized in Islam. Monotheism is one of the core principles of Islamic faith. Allah is One and Unique without any partner or associate. In the Quran, Chapter 2 Verse 163, Allah says, "Your Allah is one Allah. There is no deity except Him, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful." This message of tawheed, or belief in the oneness of Allah, is echoed throughout the Quran and emphasises that all Muslims should focus on strengthening their connection with Allah, which starts with having a strong connection with the community.