🏵️🏵️In Islam, belief in the unseen, including the existence of jinn, is fundamental. The Quran states, "And the jinn We created before from scorching fire" (Quran 55:15). Possession is acknowledged as a possibility, with Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) affirming that jinn can influence humans. It's crucial to seek refuge in Allah for protection, as He advises us in the Quran: "Say, 'I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, the Sovereign of mankind'" (Quran 114:1-2). Engaging in regular prayers, reading the Quran, and maintaining a strong connection with Allah can help protect against such influences.
Kat, understanding the Islamic stance on spiritual matters helps us navigate these phenomena with wisdom. Thank you for exploring this topic, Kat. The balance of faith and knowledge is vital in our spiritual journey.
How does this perspective resonate with your understanding, Kat?
With warmth and understanding, 🌺🌹, Mohamed, Ph.D