Dear Alisa,
I came across your article "Holidays while in the Middle of Living and Grieving" and was deeply moved by your honest and relatable account of navigating grief during the holiday season. As a Muslim, I'd like to offer a perspective that may bring comfort and solace to those who are struggling.
In Islamic psychology, we believe that grief is a natural response to loss, and it's essential to acknowledge and validate our emotions. The Quran reminds us, "When his Lord said to him (Abraham), 'Submit!' he said, 'I have submitted myself to the Lord of the Worlds.'" (Quran 2:131)
As Muslims, we believe that life is a test, and our struggles and challenges are opportunities to grow closer to Allah (God). The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "The strongest among you is he who has the greatest control over his own soul." (Bukhari)
In Islamic sociology, community support is crucial during times of grief. We believe that we are responsible for one another, and that our collective well-being is connected. The Quran says, "And hold fast, all together, to the rope of your Lord (brotherhood) and do not be divided." (Quran 3:103)
Islamic philosophy teaches us that everything in life has a purpose, even death. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "None of you will die except that they will be raised in the state they were promised." (Bukhari) This means that those who are grieving will be reunited with their loved ones in the Hereafter.
In Islamic personal development, we believe that mindfulness and gratitude can bring peace and contentment. The Quran reminds us, "So fear Allah as much as you are able; listen and obey; and spend (of your wealth). That is better for your souls." (Quran 64:16)
I invite you to explore Islam as it is the final message from God to humanity. It is the culmination of all previous revelations, including the revelations given to prophets such as Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and others. The Quran is a guide for all humanity, and it offers a perspective on life that may be different from what we're familiar with.
I invite you to read an online copy of the Quran
to see what it says about the purpose of life, God's nature, and different perspectives.
May Allah guide you through this difficult time and grant you peace and solace.
Wassalamu alaikum,
Dr. Mohamed 🏵️🏵️🏵️